Programs & Curricula
Philosophy: SLCS’s approach to education is based on the philosophy that every child can learn given appropriate learning tools and a variety of teaching strategies that match the student’s learning style. Every day is planned, every lesson is prepared, every activity is integrated. Nothing is left to chance, for gaps in learning can mean the difference between success and failure in school and in the real world.
To fulfill our mission to create a developmentally appropriate model of education that is student-centered, reflecting current best practices and research, directed by high quality teachers, and supported by home and community, while, at the same time, incorporating them into an environment that enhances the learning process, as well as, fosters continuing student learning and growth, SLCS will implement the following research-based programs and curricula:
- Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVAC) and Understanding by Design (UBD) are the school-wide, data-driven roadmaps to ensure instructional time is available, and appropriate content is addressed to create high quality curricula, instruction, and assessment to develop Personalized Learning Plans for every student.
- Teach Like a Champion (Looping). SLCS students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade will practice Looping. Looping is the practice in which a teacher instructs the same group of students for at least two school years, following them from one grade level to the next. Once a “loop” of two or more years is completed, the teacher will start a new loop teaching a new group of students.
- Personalized Learning Plans– Learning is not a “one size fits all” process. Assessments will be performed upon entering and conducted periodically to determine how your child will learn best. Learning styles will be established to tailor lesson plans to meet the needs of each student. The last ninety minutes of the day will be geared toward intervention and remediation of students performing below grade level and challenging students performing at or above grade level.
- Tier 1 Curricula– Teachers will align Amplify/Core Knowledge ELA and science content, Curriculum Associates Mathematics, along with lessons to Social Studies Weekly, DBQ, and ELA Guideline Units so that the same content matter is presented to students across units.
- Lions Quest will be incorporated into each lesson to instill social skills and build character.
- Direct Instruction, Madeline Hunter “Essential Elements of Effective Instruction” and Teach Like a Champion are the teaching techniques that will deliver structured, effective lessons.
- Qualified Staff– SLCS will hire qualified staff that share our philosophy and are eager to learn and take on new challenges. To ensure a well-trained and cohesive staff, we will provide extensive staff development in all curricula and programs.
- Professional Learning Communities. Under the leadership of the Principal, teachers will implement Professional Learning Communities to develop leadership among teachers to ensure student achievement and social growth.
- Parental Involvement in Governance: Once SLCS reaches the implementation phase, we will create a Parent Alliance Committee to involve parents in the governance and administration of the school. The PAC will
- be the primary representative voice of parents about board policy making.
- maintain a regular dialogue with the executive director, the principal, and the board.
- also serve as volunteers on board subcommittees, per their personal expertise.
- provide input in support and implementation of school and community-based initiatives, such as fundraising and student recruitment.
- Access to PowerSchool’s Student Information System. Parents will be given access to their children’s personal information through a password-protected computer-based system that allows them to monitor their progress. They will be able to monitor test scores, homework, and attendance daily.